Monday, April 22, 2013

Police Call

On Monday afternoons I send the boys out to our yard and along the road to "police call". They were gripping and complaining from the second they put on their gloves. "We aren't your slaves," said Jaden. "Why do we have to pick up someone else's trash. This is no fair", cried Jet. While they were walking Jet snagged the trash bag on a thorn bush and everything they picked up started to slowly trickle out. They were both so busy gripping about having to pick up the trash that they didn't even notice their ripped bag. I was not about to tell them about their predicament. I did give them hints "does something seem wrong and how's that bag working". It took them a couple minutes to figure out what happened and then the name calling, shoving and crying started. I try not to get involved with them when they are "communicating". I sat on the grass for ten minutes while they screamed, cried and pointed fingers at each other. I sat and giggled under my breath. Honestly, I didn't mind the wait because three Canadian Geese landed on our pond and I got to sit and admire them (the geese not the crazy boys). Eventually Jet said he was sorry and asked Jaden to go back to the house for another bag. They continued their police call and their gripping. My yard and road is clean and the boys learned a little something.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Big Girl Country Panties Explanation

Since writing my last post I have had several people ask me what I mean by Big Girl Country Panties.  This is a quick explanation of what that means.  Putting on your big girl panties simply means getting the courage to do something that you fear.  I am seriously afraid of rodents to the point that I won't even walk pass the aisle in the pet store that has all those furry balls of nastiness.  I can't even stand to hear them.  UGH.  I got the phrase, "big girl panties" from a very special woman name, Linda.  She told me a story once and that phrase stuck in my head.  I have used ever since. I tossed in the word "country" because...well...I live in the country now.

So there you go...the meaning of Big Girl Country Panties.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Big Girl Country Panties

The other day I did something that most people (who know me well) would find shocking.  I put on my “big girl country panties” and placed four mice traps in my house.  If you don’t know me well you’re probably thinking what’s the big idea; it’s just a mouse.  Let me tell you…it’s a HUGE step for me.  Rodents gross me out.  They are sneaky and dirty.  Yuck.  Yuck. Yuck.   I get the same reactions from everybody when they hear how much I detest rodents.  You’re a Marine.   You’ve given birth.  You’ve traveled overseas.  You raised animals as a kid.  You grew up in the country.  Yes these are all very true statements, but they don’t make me feel any better.  I was and still am terrified of them.  The only thing that has changed is that I’m going to stand up to these little hairballs and they are going down. 

Four things have sparked this sense of courage.  The first is that I have two amazing friends, Cherith and Maureen, who cleaned up AND disinfected my pantry last week.   While the boys and I were away a bunch of mice had a fiesta in my pantry.  UGH!  I figured if these two ladies loved me this much the least I can do is stand up to the rodents!

Secondly, when I saw a mouse a few weeks ago I screamed really loud, jumped up on our bar and shook like a wimp.  Jaden joined me.  I felt horrible for passing my fear onto my child.  So now I have to stand up to the mice to be an example for Jaden.  I think you lead your children through examples not by telling them to do something and than you turn around and do the opposite, but that is a whole other enchilada so I won’t go there today.

Thirdly, while I was standing frantically up on the bar Jet walked over to me and in his sassy little mouse voice said, “really Mom, you’re scared of a little thing you can kick!”  Ugh.  Kids are so smart.   If you haven’t had children yet, trust me they are much smarter then you and they will teach you a ton.  If you think you haven’t learned anything from your kids; sit your selfish butt down and LISTEN to your child.  Okay, that is an entire other enchilada. 

And lastly, my awesome husband bought me this beautiful home and I’m not going to let some nasty little critter ruin my joy.  Or as my husband would put it “your birthday present for the next 30 years.”

Here is the problem…I think the mice in this area are hybrid Bluegrass Kentucky fur balls.  The traps have been out for three days and I have caught nothing!!!    But I reckon, with my big girl country panties are on I am ready for them.  I think.  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Exquisiteness of Kentucky Never Seems To Let Me Down, Even When It’s Weighted Down By Ice

My comfy lovely chair.  Would you want to leave it on a cold day?
For those who don’t know me well, I am a fair weather gal.  While most people express displeasure at extreme heat and humidity, I LOVE IT!  For me, heat is a superlative time for PT (a run) and lounging under a tree.  So you can imagine how I feel about this time of the year.  I tend to drink too much coffee and stay curled up in my favorite chair with either a book or a crochet hook.  The idea of walking out onto crunchy ice covered grass and a slippery sidewalk is beyond absurd to me.  

I feel very Kentuckian in these boots.

However, I am a pretty awesome wife.  Wink. Wink.  So, when my awesome hubby asked to see pictures of our drooping pine trees I agreed to brave the ice and head out into our yard.  BURRRR!!!!  I stepped into my Muck Boots, slipped on my bulky cozy white terry cloth robe, and headed out the front door to enter the land of ice.  I’m sure I looked ridiculous, but let me tell you I was warm and comfy!

Before I even pulled the front door close, I was captivated.  Praise God for another breathtaking view from my porch.   
I've never paid attention to ice on plants before today. Trust me.
I'll be taking many more ice hikes!

Ice on Chach's precious pines.

Our poor droopey pine trees.
The orange on the pine needles caught my attention.  
More sluggish looking trees.

Simply awesome.

Drink lots of coffee and stay warm folks!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Clouded Skies

EEEK!  Its been a while.

Obviously, from all my previous posts and the name of the blog I LOVE Kentucky!  There is something very precious about the land, the people and the skies.  I often get very transfixed on the sight of little things; from the red cardinals, to the weeds on the side of the road.  But there is one thing that ALWAYS captures my attention and that is the sky.  I drive the boys to and from school along back roads and more the once I've pulled the car over, sat on the hood and just stared.  I leave my phone, my camera, and my head clutter in the car and just gaze on God’s awesome creation.  Yes, I get funny looks.  No, I honestly don’t care, because for one small moment in my life I feel no worries, no troubles.  It’s just me, the sky and God; that is a powerful feeling.

One piece of advice though, on cold mornings like today bring a towel or a blankie.  The car hood was cold and I froze my tooshie off!  

--The ThaiMex Kentuckian