Thursday, April 11, 2013

Big Girl Country Panties

The other day I did something that most people (who know me well) would find shocking.  I put on my “big girl country panties” and placed four mice traps in my house.  If you don’t know me well you’re probably thinking what’s the big idea; it’s just a mouse.  Let me tell you…it’s a HUGE step for me.  Rodents gross me out.  They are sneaky and dirty.  Yuck.  Yuck. Yuck.   I get the same reactions from everybody when they hear how much I detest rodents.  You’re a Marine.   You’ve given birth.  You’ve traveled overseas.  You raised animals as a kid.  You grew up in the country.  Yes these are all very true statements, but they don’t make me feel any better.  I was and still am terrified of them.  The only thing that has changed is that I’m going to stand up to these little hairballs and they are going down. 

Four things have sparked this sense of courage.  The first is that I have two amazing friends, Cherith and Maureen, who cleaned up AND disinfected my pantry last week.   While the boys and I were away a bunch of mice had a fiesta in my pantry.  UGH!  I figured if these two ladies loved me this much the least I can do is stand up to the rodents!

Secondly, when I saw a mouse a few weeks ago I screamed really loud, jumped up on our bar and shook like a wimp.  Jaden joined me.  I felt horrible for passing my fear onto my child.  So now I have to stand up to the mice to be an example for Jaden.  I think you lead your children through examples not by telling them to do something and than you turn around and do the opposite, but that is a whole other enchilada so I won’t go there today.

Thirdly, while I was standing frantically up on the bar Jet walked over to me and in his sassy little mouse voice said, “really Mom, you’re scared of a little thing you can kick!”  Ugh.  Kids are so smart.   If you haven’t had children yet, trust me they are much smarter then you and they will teach you a ton.  If you think you haven’t learned anything from your kids; sit your selfish butt down and LISTEN to your child.  Okay, that is an entire other enchilada. 

And lastly, my awesome husband bought me this beautiful home and I’m not going to let some nasty little critter ruin my joy.  Or as my husband would put it “your birthday present for the next 30 years.”

Here is the problem…I think the mice in this area are hybrid Bluegrass Kentucky fur balls.  The traps have been out for three days and I have caught nothing!!!    But I reckon, with my big girl country panties are on I am ready for them.  I think.  

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