Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Exquisiteness of Kentucky Never Seems To Let Me Down, Even When It’s Weighted Down By Ice

My comfy lovely chair.  Would you want to leave it on a cold day?
For those who don’t know me well, I am a fair weather gal.  While most people express displeasure at extreme heat and humidity, I LOVE IT!  For me, heat is a superlative time for PT (a run) and lounging under a tree.  So you can imagine how I feel about this time of the year.  I tend to drink too much coffee and stay curled up in my favorite chair with either a book or a crochet hook.  The idea of walking out onto crunchy ice covered grass and a slippery sidewalk is beyond absurd to me.  

I feel very Kentuckian in these boots.

However, I am a pretty awesome wife.  Wink. Wink.  So, when my awesome hubby asked to see pictures of our drooping pine trees I agreed to brave the ice and head out into our yard.  BURRRR!!!!  I stepped into my Muck Boots, slipped on my bulky cozy white terry cloth robe, and headed out the front door to enter the land of ice.  I’m sure I looked ridiculous, but let me tell you I was warm and comfy!

Before I even pulled the front door close, I was captivated.  Praise God for another breathtaking view from my porch.   
I've never paid attention to ice on plants before today. Trust me.
I'll be taking many more ice hikes!

Ice on Chach's precious pines.

Our poor droopey pine trees.
The orange on the pine needles caught my attention.  
More sluggish looking trees.

Simply awesome.

Drink lots of coffee and stay warm folks!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Clouded Skies

EEEK!  Its been a while.

Obviously, from all my previous posts and the name of the blog I LOVE Kentucky!  There is something very precious about the land, the people and the skies.  I often get very transfixed on the sight of little things; from the red cardinals, to the weeds on the side of the road.  But there is one thing that ALWAYS captures my attention and that is the sky.  I drive the boys to and from school along back roads and more the once I've pulled the car over, sat on the hood and just stared.  I leave my phone, my camera, and my head clutter in the car and just gaze on God’s awesome creation.  Yes, I get funny looks.  No, I honestly don’t care, because for one small moment in my life I feel no worries, no troubles.  It’s just me, the sky and God; that is a powerful feeling.

One piece of advice though, on cold mornings like today bring a towel or a blankie.  The car hood was cold and I froze my tooshie off!  

--The ThaiMex Kentuckian