Monday, December 10, 2012

Good Morning Bambi

The past couple of mornings Jet, my youngest bundle of energy, has sworn up and down that he sees deer out by the pound.  But every time Jaden, the oldest bundle of energy, and I get to the window we do not see anything.  This morning Jet got ready for school quickly, pulled a chair up to the living room window and waited.  “They’re out there.  I know it,” he kept repeating.  I think he is going to be quite the hunter; patience and determination are great qualities for hunters. 

Jaden and I were brushing our teeth when we heard “there are four of them!  I told you they were out there.”    Jaden and I ran to the window with toothpaste dripping off our chins.  Jaden shouted, toothpaste flying everywhere, “get the gun!”  It was a joyful sight and tremendously serene to sit and gaze upon those beautiful and tasty animals.  The deer were very very hard to see.  I saw one right away, but the others I had to search for. 

Jaden ran, got the laptop and started looking up facts about deer.  Jet boasted proudly, “I told you they were there.”  It was a full five minutes before it dawned on me to get the camera. 
I was so excited that I didn't adjust the settings on my camera; so the pictures aren't great.  I crept quietly onto the porch.  After the first flash three of the deer ran off.  The one in the picture is the only one who stuck around to stare at me.  Then Luna, the diva dog, ruined everything!!!!  She charged out of the house and off the porch.  The deer ran off and silly Luna freaked out, ran back up the porch and stood behind me; so much for a guard dog!

I love Kentucky mornings!

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